Decabromodiphenyl ethane
- Product Details
- Commodity name: Decabromodiphenyl ethane
- Commodity ID: CAS No.: 84852-53-9
Usage: This product is a new, broad-spectrum, high-efficiency, additive and environment-friendly flame retardant with excellent thermal stability and high bromine content. It has the advantages of excellent thermal stability, high bromine content, strong UV resistance and low toxicity, etc. It is widely used in styrene polymers, engineering thermoplastics, wire and cable coatings, insulators, elastomers and thermosetting plastics, etc.
Molecular Formula: C14Br10H4
Properties: This product is white powder, non-toxic, tasteless, non-corrosive, insoluble in water, ethanol, acetone, benzene, chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons, etc.
Usage: This product is a new, broad-spectrum, high-efficiency, additive and environment-friendly flame retardant with excellent thermal stability and high bromine content. It has the advantages of excellent thermal stability, high bromine content, strong UV resistance and low toxicity, etc. It is widely used in styrene polymers, engineering thermoplastics, wire and cable coatings, insulators, elastomers and thermosetting plastics, etc.
Packaging: 25 kg woven bag.
Production Capacity: 1,000 tons/yearKey words:- Decabromodiphenyl ethane
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